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g_XPSave (Changed in 1.2.8)

Sets the overall XP saving options for players between maps/campaigns/rounds, etc.
Type: bitmask
0 Disable XP saving
1 Store XP during campaign or map when a client disconnects
2 Don't reset XP to the pre-map start values on a map restart, shuffle, etc.
4 Don't reset XP after campaign or map ends
8 Force the disconnection of clients with the same GUID as the connecting client. This is useful in saving the stored XP of players with unreliable network connections since they should still get their stored XP even if reconnecting immediately with a new IP address
16 Do not use XP save when playing stopwatch mode
32 If enabled the server tries to convert the very old XP file format (single file), to the multiple file based XP system (see also g_XPSaveDirectory). Rename the file to "xpsave.cfg" and restart the server. Remove this flag from g_XPSave after the conversion. (New in 1.2.8)
Default: 0

g_XPSaveFile (Removed in 1.2.5)

Sets the filename you want XPSave to store data in. This file will be relative to your fs_game directory (much like g_shrubbot).
Type: string
Default: "xpsave.cfg"


Sets the directory where you want XPSave to store data in. This directory is NOT a relative path, but an absolute path. If you run a hosted/rented game server and don't know a valid value for 'g_XPSaveDirectory' ask your provider for the absolute path (example: set g_XPSaveDirectory "/home/<user>/enemy-territory/nq/xpsave").
Type: string
Default: ""


The number of seconds that must pass without a connection from a player before XPSave discards the XP.
Type: integer
Default: 86400 (1 day)


Decays players' XP on the server when set to 1. This feature is mainly used with the g_XPSave 4 flag which allows XP to continue building up forever.

Type: bitmask
1 Enable XP Decay
2 Do not decay a player's XP when they are disconnected from the server.
4 Do not decay a player's XP for the class they are currently playing as.
8 Do not decay a player's XP while they are spectating
16 Do not decay a player's XP during warmup/intermission
32 Do not decay a player's XP when he/she is playing. This means that they are on a Allies or Axis and the game is active.
64 Do not decay a player's Battle Sense XP when he/she is playing.
128 Do not decay a player's Light Weapons XP when he/she is playing.
Default: 0


This is the minimum that any particular skill can be reduced to by g_XPDecay.
For example, setting this to 540.0 will ensure that no player will ever lose rank or skill levels due to g_XPDecay.
Type: float
Default: 0


This is the rate (in skill points per second) that XP skill points for EACH skill will decay when g_XPDecay is enabled.
Setting this to 0.2 would result in a player losing 12 points per minute IN ALL SKILLS, so up to 84XP per minute if the player has skill points for each skill.
Type: float
Default: 0


This will reset a players XP once their overall XP score reaches it. This is useful for servers with XPSave that never resets. Set to -1 to disable.
Type: integer
Default: -1